Model Secondary wins in OT |
DeafNation |
January |
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3 |
Black newsmagazine, Emerge, to publish, "Listening to deaf blacks" |
DeafNation |
January |
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Helping homebound deaf & hard of hearing persons (Letter) |
DeafNation |
January |
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Unsung heroes |
DeafNation |
January |
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3 |
Helping homebound deaf & hard of hearing persons |
DeafNation |
January |
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3 |
AT&T says bye to 150 relay workers in New York: AT&T losing money on |
DeafNation |
January |
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Faces & places: Snapshots of deaf community in action |
DeafNation |
January |
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Silent News, an arrogant monopoly [Letter] |
DeafNation |
January |
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ASL Festival Deaf Expo attracts over 9,000 |
DeafNation |
January |
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1995 Texas Shootbout Basketball Tournament at Texas School for the Deaf |
DeafNation |
January |
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Know karate? Contact Int'l Marital Arts Federation of the Deaf [Letter] |
DeafNation |
January |
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3 |
Texas School for the Deaf Rangers named deaf national champions |
DeafNation |
January |
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Climb higher: Project Adventure |
DeafNation |
January |
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Complete Guide to Raising Sponsorships software; the first of its kind |
DeafNation |
January |
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Deaf senior citizens gather at Fort Lauderdale conference |
DeafNation |
January |
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Gallaudet receives $3 million |
DeafNation |
February |
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Ultratec receives award for excellence in quality |
DeafNation |
February |
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Sports map of events |
DeafNation |
February |
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Listening to deaf blacks: They want community access and acceptance |
DeafNation |
February |
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Deaf-blind list server |
DeafNation |
February |
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Pre-College National Mission Programs on the Web |
DeafNation |
February |
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Government shutdown affects vocational rehabilitation services |
DeafNation |
February |
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ASL corner: Special: Can you figure this one out? |
DeafNation |
February |
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Customer support TTY numbers |
DeafNation |
February |
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State board wants school kept open after visiting |
DeafNation |
February |
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Consumer input sought on wireless TTYs |
DeafNation |
February |
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Bundles of joy coming our way |
DeafNation |
February |
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Letter from Silent News, A |
DeafNation |
February |
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ASL resolution passed by New Jersey senate |
DeafNation |
February |
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V, North & South 2 TV mini-series now captioned |
DeafNation |
February |
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Deaf Forum on Microsoft Network |
DeafNation |
February |
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Deaf in cyberspace briefs |
DeafNation |
February |
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HARC releases new 96 catalog |
DeafNation |
February |
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DeafNation launches Web site |
DeafNation |
February |
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HITEC now on World Wide Web |
DeafNation |
February |
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In memory of Stephen Michael Ryan |
DeafNation |
February |
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Well known deaf comedian and a rising star Stephen Michael Ryan dies |
DeafNation |
February |
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Deaf world athletes of the year since 1970 |
DeafNation |
February |
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State may set standards for teaching deaf & hard of hearing |
DeafNation |
February |
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Memorial fund established in name of comedian Stephen M. Ryan |
DeafNation |
February |
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Deaf club hosts 1920's party |
DeafNation |
February |
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Support group for deaf women needed (Letter) |
DeafNation |
February |
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I-95 deaf schools basketball tournament |
DeafNation |
February |
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10 reasons why the 1995 TSD football team is the best |
DeafNation |
February |
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Glossary of organizational acronyms |
DeafNation |
February |
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Texas School f/t Deaf football champs |
DeafNation |
February |
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Futura on the Web |
DeafNation |
February |
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Deaf culture makes Devils Lake, North Dakota a special place |
DeafNation |
March |
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Milestones: Birth |
DeafNation |
March |
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Deaf woman fulfills promise to mother |
DeafNation |
March |
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