Researcher edits book: deaf people to be regarded primarily as a culture |
DeafNation |
1997 |
Researchers link gene to deafness in one family |
DeafNation |
Recer, Paul |
1998 |
Resolution |
Silent Worker |
Baird, Robert K. |
1951 |
Resolution by the AAAD passed at Little Rock meeting |
Silent Worker |
1961 |
Resolution by the high class of the N.Y. Institution |
American Annals of the Deaf and Dumb |
1859 |
Resolution by the Oak City Guards |
American Annals of the Deaf and Dumb |
Anderson, William E. |
1859 |
Resolution honors Graves |
Silent Worker |
1963 |
Resolution of the ad hoc group to promote closed-captioned television |
Deaf American |
1981 |
Resolution, A |
Silent Worker |
1954 |
Resolutions |
Silent Worker |
1950 |
Resolutions adopted by the thirty-third Convention of the Wisconsin Association |
Deaf American |
1973 |
Resolutions by the AAAD passed at Little Rock meeting |
Silent Worker |
Schreiber, Fred |
1961 |
Resolutions of the Milan Convention |
American Annals of the Deaf and Dumb |
1881 |
Resolutions, by the Board of Directors of the New York Institution |
American Annals of the Deaf and Dumb |
1873 |
Resolutions, by the Board of Directors of the Pennsylvania Institution |
American Annals of the Deaf and Dumb |
Barclay, James J. |
1873 |
Resolutions, by the Fanwood Literary Association |
American Annals of the Deaf and Dumb |
Simpson, James |
1873 |
Resolutions, by the Grand Lodge of the E.S. Society |
American Annals of the Deaf and Dumb |
Syle, Henry Winter |
1873 |
Resolutions, by the instructors of the Columbia Institution |
American Annals of the Deaf and Dumb |
Fay, Edward A. |
1873 |
Resolutions, by the officers and pupils of the Ontario Institution |
American Annals of the Deaf and Dumb |
1873 |
Resolutions, by the principal and teachers of the Michigan Institution |
American Annals of the Deaf and Dumb |
1873 |